Richmond Hill Neighborhood Spotlight

Richmond Hill WilliamsburgRichmond Hill was envisioned as a pocket community of urban homes that maintained in-town convenience while providing the grace and elegance of manor living.  The design premise was drawn along the classic Federal style found in the cities of Richmond, ( Monument Ave. )  Alexandria and Georgetown.  The intent was to reproduce the richness of detail and pleasing scale of this style of architecture while keeping the building facades, landscaping, sidewalks, fences and exterior lighting both appropriate and compatible. Only 12 homes make up this small community in the City of Williamsburg.



richmond hill williamsburg va  The location off of South Henry Street just past the W&M Law School gives residents proximity to the College of William and Mary, Colonial Williamsburg , Three Golf Courses, indoor tennis plus the shopping and dining of nearby Merchants Square in Colonial Williamsburg.  Sales are rare in this coveted neighborhood.

As of Jan 2011 there were one home for sale in Richmond Hill. Only one home sold last year in Richmond Hill for $750k.

Home owners in Richmond Hill can throw away their lawn mowers and other lawn equipment since the home owner association take care of the lawns..

(2011) Current HOA fees are $2100 annually

 Search Homes for Sale in Richmond Hill-Williamsburg VA

Williamsburg/ James City County Schools for Richmond Hill:
Elementary:Mathew Whaley
Middle: Berkeley
High: Jamestown

You can search all currently available homes in  Williamsburg VA here

williamsburg richmond hillDo you live or did you live in Richmond Hill ? Please post your thoughts on the neighborhood below in comments.

Are you searching for a home in the City of Williamsburg ? You might want to explore Holly Hillsor Port Anne two other nearby neighborhoods.

Be sure to read my other Williamsburg VA neighborhood spotlights here

Have a question about a Williamsburg Home or Neighborhood ? Send me an email [email protected]



Psst. I’m a Williamsburg/ Richmond and Hampton Roads VA real estate agent.

This post was authored by local resident and REALTOR, John Womeldorf. John is known around town as Mr. Williamsburg, for both his extensive knowledge of the Williamsburg/ Richmond/ Hampton Roads area and his expertise helping buyers and sellers in the local real estate market.

If you are a home owner searching for someone innovative to sell your home I would love to share my thoughts on marketing. You can read some of the stories I have written about the homes I have sold here.

Additionally, I have helped hundreds of folks find their dream home/ community and would love to help you find yours in Williamsburg, Yorktown, New Kent, VA Beach, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Isle of Wight Poquoson as well as Richmond.

You can text/ call me by phone at 757-254-8136 or email  [email protected]

I look forward to serving your real estate needs!
