Libraries in Williamsburg

Williamsburg Regional Library consists of the James City County Library in Croaker  and the Williamsburg Library (downtown) and serves more than 85,000 people in the City of Williamsburg, James City County and York County.

The Williamsburg Regional Library provides a full range of library services, both traditional and innovative. Their collection houses more than 330,000 items in a variety of formats. Library users have access to FindItVirginia a state-wide information database. In addition to FindItVirginia, the Library provides many databases covering a variety of information. There are downloadable audio book, e-book and music collections.

Adjacent to the library is a 268-seat theatre, part of the Williamsburg Regional Library system. It is home to the Dewey Decibel Concert Series, featuring concerts of acoustic folk and jazz. The Williamsburg Library Theatre shows films, live theatre and lectures and serves as a venue for other groups holding concerts, church services and other programs..

The Swem Library at the College of William & Mary offers a wealth of information resources and services – online research materials, interlibrary loan requests, reserve materials and ask a librarian (just to name a few). The library is named in honor of bibliographer and librarian Earl Gregg Swem, who served as the College’s librarian from 1920-1944.

Under his leadership, the library collection grew from 25,000 books and 20,000 manuscripts to more than 240,000 books and 400,000 manuscripts.  Swem also made the library more accessible by offering classes on library use and, in a practice almost unheard of at that time, opening the stacks to students and the public.

Public Access and library card info 

The Wolf Law Library at the College of William & Mary offers over 400,000 volumes and 568 seats, offers a superb environment for study, research, and relaxation. We provide access to law and law-related resources and a wide range of services that support the law school curriculum and programs, promote the advancement of legal scholarship, and fulfill the information needs of library users. The Wolf Law Library is open during normal library hours to College of William and Mary students, faculty and staff, members of the Virginia bench and bar, and to the general public.

Residents of Williamsburg, James City County and York County, employees of Colonial Williamsburg and the National Center for State Courts, W&M Law School alumni, and members of the Virginia Bench and Bar may purchase borrowing cards for $5.00 at the circulation desk. Other patrons may use the collection, but must contact their home library for interlibrary loan service should they wish to borrow a circulating book.

More info here

John D Rockefeller Jr Library

The   John D Rockefeller Jr Library  library focuses on the history and culture of colonial British America, the American Revolution, and the early United States. The library has a searchable online catalog of its collection. Additionally it hosts an online digital library which includes a collection of the Virginia Gazette starting in 1736 and a series of York County, Virginia probate records.

The library is located at:

313 First Street
PO Box 1776
Williamsburg, VA 23187