Forest Glen neighborhood expansion proposed
On 2/22/17 the James City County Development Review Committee (DRC) was presented a proposal for an expansion of the existing Forest Glen neighborhood, which would consist of a 44-lot cluster development of single family detached homes.. Because of the increase in desired houses the proposed development will require a Special Use Permit to move forward.
Savannah Pietrowski JCC planner presented the staff report stating American Eastern is looking for feedback prior to submission of a formal SUP application to the JCC Planning Commission
The land adjacent to Forest Glen was purchased in 2000 by American Eastern who is submitting the proposal. American Eastern is a well known developer in the region. Coventry, Tabb Lakes and Wellington neighborhoods are a few of their previous projects.
County planners noted that American Eastern is still considering the options for recreational amenities in the development. Mr. Howard Price of AES Consulting Engineers stated that they have not resolved the recreational amenities that will be provided. Price stated that the County has recently improved a nearby recreation lot in Forest Glen, and the developer would like to be able to use that facility for their recreation requirements, with the understanding that they may have to provide additional improvements.
Elliot York of American Eastern stated the proposed development will provide affordable workforce housing, which he believes will fit well within the existing neighborhood and sell very quickly.
James City County previously had a Housing Opportunity Policy which required developers to sell a portion of the housing in a new development in a certain price range. This program was responsible for affordable housing units in the New Town, Chestnut Grove, Liberty Crossing and Village at Candle Station neighborhoods.
The parcel is shown in the photo below..
In June of 2016, the JCC Board of Supervisors repealed the Housing Opportunity Policy as they apply to new applications for residential rezonings filed on or after July 1, 2016. The Board no longer accepts proffers for residential developments.
Based on the lot size for the older section of Forest Glen approximately 15 homes could be built on the parcel . In exchange for providing affordable housing the developer is proposing to build 44 homes .
The DRC had concerns with the proposed shared stormwater management facility. Mr. Price stated that it would involve ditch and pipe improvements for the existing neighborhood, and that a BMP would be located within the new development.
Elliot York of American Eastern, Inc., stated that improvements could be made within the existing neighborhood to get the water off-site, but it could not be treated without the BMP.
Steve Miller of the JCC Stormwater Division stated that improvements for the existing Forest Glen neighborhood were already being considered prior to the proposed expansion. Mr. Miller stated that the County has not yet agreed to the shared BMP and that the original improvements plan will move forward regardless of the shared BMP.
Heath Richardson chair of the DRC stated that the project seems to have many favorable attributes and felt that this was a thorough vetting of ideas. Rich Krapf of the DRC stated that he thinks that the applicants are on the right track.
The next step is for the developer to apply for a special use permit with the JCC Planning Commission .The Planning Commission will recommend approval, denial, or defer the request, and identify issues that should be addressed before going to the JCC Board of Supervisors who will then hold a public hearing and then vote to approve, deny or defer the request.
Forest Glen location map