Learn More about Plans for Segment III of the I-64 Widening Project in Williamsburg
Design-build contractor, Shirley Contracting Company will host a second public information meeting for the I-64 Widening Segment III project at Bruton High School on November 14, 2018, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The meeting will be held in a open-house style format with members of the design-build team and VDOT representatives on hand to share current project information, including final design plans and construction schedule.
Construction on the 8.25 mile project, spanning from approximately 1 mile west of the Route 199/Lightfoot exit (exit 234) to 1 mile west of the Humelsine Parkway/Marquis Center Parkway (exit 242), kicked off in August with shoulder strengthening operations. Last month, westbound traffic shifts began with traffic being shifted to the outside lane and shoulder to allow for median clearing and construction of the new travel lane.
New Traffic Patterns Begin Westbound on I-64
Westbound traffic shifts began overnight on October 29, on I-64 Segment III, starting from the eastern project limits near Route 199/Humelsine Parkway (exit 242) to just past Route 143/Camp Peary (exit 238). These shifts are expected to continue for the next few weeks, up through the western limits of the project near Route 199/Lightfoot (exit 234).
Traffic will be shifted to the outside lane and shoulder to allow for clearing in the median and construction of the new travel lane.
For more weekly traffic information, visit the Project Traffic Alerts page