Top Home Buyer Regrets

Trulia recently completed a “Real Estate Regrets” survey which revealed interesting regrets from both home buyers and renters.

Topping the survey:

A. It’ll be better to buy now than next year.

B. It’ll be better to sell next year than now.

“A” is probably true — more buyers are entering the market, and inventory is tight and getting tighter. Further, there’s no clear sign of that letting up. 

“B” is harder to call. Now is a great time to sell, but if inventory stays low we could be headed into a full-fledged sellers’ market next year. so maybe it will be better. It’s going to depend on local conditions, though.

Here’s some more fun stuff from the survey: regrets.

* Topping the list for buyers (34%) (and number two for renters): “I wish I had chosen a larger home.” This ranked as the biggest regret among home buyer surveyed

* 27 percent of homeowners wish they had done more remodeling when they first bought. (Thank you HGTV)

* 18 percent of homeowners wish they had put more money down, and 16 percent wish that they had been more financially secure. Very few homeowners  ( 1 percent )wish that they had borrowed more.

For the full report check out Trulia Trends.


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