Williamsburg Parks Join Mobile App Network

imageThe City of Williamsburg’s  Parks and Recreation Department has linked up with a recently launched mobile app — ParksNReviews — that is available for iPhone and Android based phones and has a network of more than 13,000 parks across the nation.


ParksNReviews determines your location and finds parks for you within a designated radius or by a particular amenity, such as boating or picnic facilities. The app then gives you information about the park, links to a map for directions, telephone number and the website. You can also rate the park and add a review.

It seems that a majority of James City County parks are listed as well…


Park Rank
As patrons “check in” to your parks and amenities and post reviews and ratings, your rank in the app grows, changing the color of your pushpin from red to purple to green (the highest level).


Park patrons can earn badges by “checking in” to individual amenities at your park. The more amenities they use, the more badges they earn – and they can quickly post their badge status to Facebook. They can also use the “check in” feature to track their overall park visits and even find their car if they get lost.

Share On Social Media
You can easily share the details of your visit — favorite activity, favorite photo of the day, funniest thing that happened, advice to others — with family and friends on Facebook or Twitter.

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